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How to integrate with Zapier

Learn how to automate processes with Circuit and Zapier

Chloe Ammonds-Nutt avatar
Written by Chloe Ammonds-Nutt
Updated over 8 months ago

Integrate your Circuit account with Zapier by using Circuit's Webhook API.

The below article assumes that you have a paid Zapier subscription and are familiar with the tool, as it only outlines basic instructions on how to enable the Circuit integration with a paid for Zapier subscription to start receiving events.

Zapier is an automation platform that lets you create multiple 'Zaps' to automate various processes.

The step-by-step instructions below show you how to connect Circuit and Zapier to automate whatever tasks you need to, such as:

  • Updating a Google sheet when a delivery is made

  • Sending customer notifications by email

  • Updating/triggering any other apps you wish to use with your Zap.

Step 1: Create a Zap

Go to the Zapier dashboard and click 'Create Zap'

Select the 'Webhooks by Zapier' result in the 'Trigger' step

In the 'Webhooks by Zapier' settings, select the 'Catch Hook' event

Click on 'Continue'

Copy the URL to get it integrated with Circuit

Step 2: Connect the Zap and Webhook API

Now, go to Circuit > Settings > Workspace > Integrations

On this page, you can choose how the integration will work.

Paste the URL you copied from Zapier into the 'Endpoint URL' field

Enable the API by clicking the 'Enable webhook' toggle.

To reduce costs, only select the events you want to subscribe to in the 'Select events to listen to' section.

Step 3: Test the integration

Check that the above process has been set up successfully by creating some test data. You can do this by creating, optimizing, and sending a test route to a driver to trigger the Zap.

Make sure that your test route contains the right data to trigger the Zap. For example, if you have only selected the event stop.attempted_delivery, your test route will need to contain an attempted stop for the Zap to be triggered.

For more advanced users, you can check what fields Circuit makes available to you on the Webhook API documentation page, and work with the Webhooks by Zapier raw data.

See if your test data has triggered an event by clicking the 'Test trigger' button

If your test fails, troubleshoot by checking:

  • That the Endpoint URL was added correctly

  • That your test data performed an action that would generate an event for Zapier

A successful test will look like this

Name your Zap and publish it, so that your integration will work in real-time with Circuit.

Your Zapier integration is now complete!

Example: Populating a spreadsheet with data from Circuit events in real-time.

Read next...

Find the Webhook API technical documentation or ask a technical question about integrating with the API using Live Chat on this page >

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