How to edit, pause, and remove drivers
Go to the main dashboard menu, click > Drivers
Click on a specific driver
You will now see a profile page for that driver
Click > Edit driver to make changes to that driver's details
Edit the driver name, display name, assigned depot, driver color
Click > Save changes
Click the 3 verticle dot menu to pause or remove a driver
How to sort the driver list
Go to the main dashboard menu, click > Drivers
In the top right of the driver table, click the sort icon
You can sort your list of drivers by:
Completed stops (from the last 7 days)
Last seen (last time the driver opened the app)
Creation time
How to create route overrides for individual drivers
You can choose to override all other settings and create specific settings for individual drivers.
If you set specific start/end locations, working hours, and speeds for individual drivers, this detailed information will be used to create and optimize the best delivery route.
For example, if you have drivers who work at different times of the day, creating individual driver settings will make sure that morning, afternoon, and evening deliveries are assigned to the correct driver.
Go to the main dashboard menu click > Drivers
Click on a specific driver
You will now see a profile page for that driver
Click > Overrides to make changes to the route settings for that individual driver
Choose a start location and start time for an individual driver
Go to > Starting routes
Slide the > button to off
Set a start location and/or start time for that driver
Save the changes
Choose an end location and end time for an individual driver
Go to > Finishing routes
Slide the > button to off
Set an end location and/or end time for that driver
Save the changes
Choose a maximum number of stops per route for an individual driver
Go to > Maximum number of stops
Slide the > button to off
Set a maximum number of stops per route for that driver
Save the changes
Choose a driving and delivery speed for an individual driver
Choosing individual driver speeds can be useful if your team is a mixture of fast experienced drivers and slower inexperienced drivers.
The default setting for all drivers is an 'Average' driving and delivery speed.
Setting a driver's driving or delivery speed to 'Faster' means:
They will be allocated more stops than other drivers
The ETAs for stops on their routes will be sooner
Setting a driver's driving or delivery speed to 'Slower' means:
They will be allocated less stops than other drivers
The ETAs for stops on their routes will be later
These changes will now override all other settings and be used when creating any future routes for that individual driver.
How to change the start/end location and start/end time for a specific route
Changing the start/end location and start/end time on a specific route is the best option if you have drivers who work different hours every day, from various locations.
If you don't want to change individual driver settings, and only want to change the start/end location and start/end times on a specific route, you can do this when creating a route.
On the routes list view click > Manage drivers
Select the driver assigned to the route you want to edit
Makes changes to the Start Details, End Details, and Speed sections
These changes will be automatically saved
These changes will only apply to this route. They will not affect your global account or individual driver settings.
Read next....
Click here to find out how to create driver zones.
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