Importing spreadsheets in Circuit

How to use your spreadsheets with Circuit

Pol Kuijken avatar
Written by Pol Kuijken
Updated this week

For now, uploading spreadsheets is only possible in our Android app.

How to import spreadsheets

  • On the Circuit mainscreen, tap the  ⠇ button on the right

  • Select "Import spreadsheet"

  • Find the file you want to import

  • If the spreadsheet is not formatted correctly, you can answer some questions to make sure Circuit still gets the right addresses

  • If some addresses are not correct (e.g. when there are typos) you'll get the option to manually search for them

If you need extra information during your day: 

During import you'll also be asked if you want to select additional information needed for your delivery. You can select any information you'll need when you arrive at the stop, like recipient name and delivery instructions. These fields will then be added as notes, and will be visible during the delivery at each stop.

Supported filetypes

  • CSV

  • TSV

  • XLS

  • XLSX

  • GPX

Don't have a spreadsheet yet? 

Having issues importing your file?

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