Once you have prepared your spreadsheet data and it's ready to import, watch our handy video or follow the steps below to map and import your delivery data correctly.
To download a copy of Circuit's example spreadsheet template > click here.
How to upload your spreadsheet
On the Dispatcher dashboard, go to > Unassigned Stops
Select > Import from spreadsheet
Accepted file types are .csv .tsv .psv .json .xml .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xltx, .xltm
Depending on your dashboard view, you may be prompted to select a depot
Next, drag and drop your spreadsheet or click > Upload file
Make sure that row 1 contains a header field for every column with data
Circuit will assume that the first complete row of data in your spreadsheet is the row that contains your column header fields
How to upload multiple tabs/sheets
If you are uploading a spreadsheet with multiple tabs/sheets, you will need to:
Select the tabs/sheets you want to import from the left-hand list
AND then
Select the Stops button on the right-hand side
Then click > Continue
How to edit automatic data field mapping
Once your spreadsheet is uploaded, the incoming and destination data fields will be automatically mapped. Double-check this automated mapping to make sure that each incoming field from your spreadsheet is accurately mapped to the correct destination field in Circuit
To edit how a data field is mapped, go to the > Destination Field > click the drop-down menu > select the correct data field option from the list
Once you have checked and completed your data mapping click > Continue
Circuit uses AI to automatically map your data fields for you and remembers your mapping preferences to use them for all future spreadsheet uploads.
You should only need to re-map a data field if it is incorrectly mapped or if you have changed your spreadsheet format.
How to make final edits before importing your data
There is one last chance to make any final edits before submitting your spreadsheet to Circuit
To make a change, click on any cell to edit the contents, and your change will be saved automatically
To submit your data, click > Submit unassigned stops
Your imported stops will now be visible in the unassigned stops list, ready to be assigned to a route
Read next...
Click here to find out how to prepare your spreadsheet for import using Circuit's example spreadsheet template, or use the spreadsheet glossary below to check that your column headers and the data you have input are correct.
Click here to learn about how to create a route.
Spreadsheet Incoming Data Field Glossary
Column Header/Title | Description | Data Type Examples |
Address Name/Flat/Building/Unit Number | The name of the stop, such as a building or business name. This is not street-level data |
Address Line 1 | The main address of the stop.
This must be street-level data, |
Address Line 2 | A secondary line of the address. |
City | The city the stop is in. |
State | The state/county the stop is in. |
Zip | The zip/postal code of the stop. |
Country | The country the stop is in. |
Earliest Arrival Time | The earliest time you wish for the driver to arrive at the stop. This must be in 24hr clock format. |
Latest Arrival Time | The latest time you wish for the driver to arrive at the stop. This must be in 24hr clock format. |
Time at stop (minutes) | How many minutes your driver will spend at the stop. |
Notes | Any information you need the driver to know about the stop. |
Size | Size information about the package/parcel. |
Proof of delivery | Specify if proof of delivery is required or not required for each stop. |
Recipient Name | Name of the recipient associated with the stop. |
Recipient Email Address | Email address of the recipient associated with the stop. | |
Recipient Phone Number | Phone number of the recipient associated with the stop. |
Tracking Visibility | The level of tracking visibility you want to provide in Customer Notifications
Type of stop | Marking the stop as a delivery or pickup/collection. |
Order | The order you want the stop to be placed on the route first/auto/last |
Tracking Visibility | The level of tracking visibility you want the recipient to see in their recipient notifications |
Id | An external ID, order, or reference number is associated with the stop. |
Package Count | The number of packages or parcels associated with the stop. |
Products | The products that are being collected or delivered to the stop. |
Seller Website | A direct link to the seller's website. | |
Seller Name | You are stating the seller's name you are delivering/collecting on behalf of. |
Driver | The driver's email address or phone number you wish Circuit to allocate this stop to when creating the route. |
Circuit Client ID | The client ID generated for each client that is invited to the client portal. |
Barcode ID | The Barcode ID number associated with a package barcode |
Latitude | The Latitude coordinates of the corresponding stop |
Longitude | The Longitude coordinates of the corresponding stop. |
Got a question?
Contact your account manager, start a live chat, or email [email protected]